StatCounter Data Shows IE 10 Is Now The Top Microsoft Browser

September 16, 2013

Ah, the ever perplexing battle for browser supremacy! The latest from the frontlines is that Microsoft’s Internet Explorer 10 has now become the company’s number one browser worldwide.

The default Windows 8 web browser, which was released for Windows 7 users a few months back, has managed to overtake all other previous versions — it hit the milestone in the first 15 days of September.

Obviously, Net Applications and StatCounter are still locked in a little battle of their own. The former’s data for the month of August revealed that IE 10 is still behind IE 8, even though Internet Explorer 10 had made some rather impressive strides recently.

But the newest StatCounter figures, for the first two weeks of September 2013 that is, show that IE 10 has done the job, and become the most popular version of IE currently on the market.

Chrome 29, however, still tops these rankings with no less than 33.51 percent of the market to its name. Firefox 23 takes the runner up place with 13.96 percent. And IE10, Microsoft’s most popular browser, comes in third with 12 percent.

Other IE versions follow — IE 8 and IE 9 have figures of 9.28 percent and 5.74 percent, respectively.

While Internet Explorer 10 is the default web browser built into Windows 8, attention is slowly shifting towards the next version of the popular application. Redmond has already completed development work on IE 11, which is set to make its debut next month, with Windows 8.1.

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Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.

All Comments

  • are these number, 1. the count of installed browsers or 2. The number of hits from a particular browser on a selection of web sites?

    Mike Greenway September 16, 2013 7:47 am Reply
  • I’m not sure about the accuracy of these numbers. I could probably go to everyone I know or just come across at work or in business, and I probably couldn’t find 30% of people who know about Chrome, outside of tech people and those who would generally know about all the different browsers. Most people when you ask if they use Chrome, they look at you like you’re speaking another language. I’d venture that a lot of Chrome’s usage is Chrome installing and making itself the default when you install other applications or a lot of applications, like some in education, claiming their stuff doesn’t work as well in IE and Firefox.

    Ray C September 16, 2013 12:14 pm Reply
    • I think you are right. At some point Chrome gets installed on some little old women’s ‘desktoop’ and she starts using it because it’s convenient.
      also, once installed you CAN NOT REMOVE Chrome from a system without breaking core features of MS Outlook without a complete system refresh or re-install. :/

      John Freiman September 16, 2013 5:00 pm Reply
      • No matter how good Google products are, I tried to stay away from their products as they build their business on spying their clients.

        WillyThePooh September 17, 2013 6:12 am Reply

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