Steve Ballmer Finds Himself Out Of The Top 50 CEOs List

March 18, 2013

To say things are blue for big old Steve is an understatement, an utter understatement. Following intense public criticism, the CEO of Microsoft now finds himself out of an esteemed list of the best chief executive officers in the business.

But that’s what probably happens when you bring baseball bats into meetings.

The employees that voted at Glassdor were surely not impressed by Mr. B. Shocker, then, that he does not make the list of the top 50 CEOs in the United States.

Ballmer has an approval rating of below the 50 percent threshold, and according to reports currently enjoys a 47 percent rating. And even though this may be higher than previous years, it is still not high enough for him to make the cut.

Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg is the clear and present leader with an impressive 99 percent approval rating. SAP’s duo of Bill McDermott & Jim Hagemann Snabe follow with a similar score.

Also high on the list if Larry Page of Google, good enough for eleventh place with 95 percent and Marc Benioff of finds himself in the thirteenth position with 94 percent.

As you can see, there is some very close combat at the top.

Apple employees also don’t seem all too keen on Tim Cook, as his eighteenth position with 93 percent approval rating show.

An 80 percent approval rating is required to make the list, and employees of a company are asked to vote on whether they approve their CEO’s leadership. Well, more than half of those at Microsoft think otherwise, it seems, when it comes to Steve Ballmer.

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Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.

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