Suggested replies come to Outlook for Windows

March 25, 2021
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Took its sweet time, this. But Microsoft has finally confirmed that Outlook for Windows is getting suggested replies, giving users the ability to quickly reply to an email with AI based suggestions.

These suggestions are based on the contents of the email.

Redmond first introduced suggested replies for Outlook on the web in 2018. The feature has since made its way to Android and iOS versions of the email platform, but Windows desktop users were, once again, left in the cold.

No more, because a new item on the Microsoft 365 roadmap indicates that the feature is now in development for Outlook for Windows.

Outlook Suggested Replies

Similar to other platforms, suggested replies will show up to three suggestions for what you can say in response to a given message — including the ability to attach a file to the email. You can also disable suggested replies in the settings of the application if you are not too keen on this feature.

But while the feature is in development, people enrolled in the Office Insider Beta channel can already try it out. The option is planned for release this month, so not too many days before this welcome new addition becomes available for all.

Speaking of availability, suggested replies will also be available soon for government customers, according to another item on the roadmap. This feature is in development, but planned for release in April.

As is the case for regular users, the feature works in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, French, and German. Simplified Chinese is also supported, but only in China.

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Featured · Software · Windows 10

Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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