Surface Duo Will Only Be Sold In The US Until 2021

September 7, 2020
Surface Duo

Bummer. Microsoft is gearing up to start the shipment of the all-new Surface Duo, its first Android powered device that it made official not too long ago.

It was originally announced in late 2019, and has taken its sweet time coming.

However, it appears that the Duo will not be making an international appearance any time soon. At least, not until next year. And that too is something that is not set in stone, as Microsoft wants to carefully evaluate its sales success first.

This has been revealed in a report that claims that the Surface Duo will continue to be a US exclusive device in 2020. In other words, sales will take place only on home turf for these first few months, and the market availability of the handset will not expand until 2021.

In fact, more regions of the world, like the large markets in Europe, are only projected to receive the Duo in the first half of next year.

And there is actually a reason for this.

Microsoft wants to gauge the early reception of the Surface Duo in the United States in order to determine whether the product deserves a global launch or not.

By this token, the next few months will be critical for the future of the first-generation Duo.

And the situation gets even more precarious when you consider that the lackluster hardware of this model is one of its most criticized elements. A generation old processing chip, and lack of a modern camera setup makes no sense on a premium device like this.

Particularly one that costs $1,399.

No wonder Microsoft wants to take the cautious route here.

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Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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