Surface Hub 2 CShell Not Yet Finalized

May 18, 2018

Well, that explains the more formal approach Microsoft took for announcing Surface Hub 2 in a blog post. More so, a few days after BUILD 2018 conference concluded.

The developer event was the perfect time to unveil such a device, give it some stage time, and showcase product demos for what is one of the more interesting pieces of hardware to come out behind the Redmond walls.

Anyway, we now have the real reason why the Surface Hub 2 was not showed off publicly.

And that is because, the custom version of CShell, reportedly called Aruba, has not yet been finalized. That is to say that what we saw in the promotional video published earlier this week was more or less promotional content, nothing more.

This one:

Looked great, all the same.

Nevertheless, it seems like developing CShell is turning out to be quite a struggle for Microsoft, despite the company focusing hard on this project for the past few years.

CShell is, of course, the shell that is supposed to power the next generation of Microsoft devices, offering what the company says, a more customized experience for each device. In any case, we seem to be in the final stages of the development, so hopefully it is finalized soon.

More so, because it is what will power Andromeda, a codename for a multi form factor product that is expected to see daylight this year.

A hybrid of a laptop and tablet, which will also serve as a digital journal of sorts.

Surface Phone, you never know!

In any case, it appears that Microsoft needs a little more time to debut its latest marvel, CShell. A lot of details are unknown at this point, but at least we know that the company is working hard at this, and the Surface Hub 2 is our first real indication of its existence.

Hopefully, things are at a much more advanced stage when it makes its debut in 2019.

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Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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