Surface Pro Sold Out, Buyers Not Impressed At All

February 11, 2013

In fact, potential buyers are so angered by the out of stock tablet that they have taken to posting comments on the official Surface blog out of sheer frustration — sheer, sheer frustration.

Oh, I love using the word sheer, it’s not often you get to use it, anyway.

Anyway, call it uneven supply management, notable sales or a wily plan from Microsoft, the Surface Pro was marked as sold out at Microsoft Stores, Best Buy and Staples stores across the United States. Within 3 hours of its public debut, to boot — a similar fate befell Surface RT at launch, as you may recall.

This was not a good sight for a lot of the customers waiting in line for the device, who had to return home empty handed.

But that did not stop them from voicing their opinion against the company, criticizing the technology giant for failing to provide enough tablets to interested buyers. The newly released Surface blog soon saw comments like:

“I was MS-Store before 11 am on SAT. But I couldn’t get Pro-128GB and visited 2 Best Buys and called 3 Staples. Unfortunately, I couldn’t get any good news from them. This launch should have been delayed with lack of stock.”

And another user spoke his mind:

“It may have been exciting for you, but for many of your customers, it was an extreme disappointment. I was included in the disappointed group. Why doesn’t the Microsoft online store accept orders and provide estimated delivery dates with an option to opt out? That is basic online retail support. If I want a Surface Pro I have to waste my time canvasing the Microsoft store, Best Buy and Staples”.

Microsoft has since confirmed that it is working with partners to replenish (another word I really love) supplies as quickly as possible. This week should see both versions of the tablets back in stock.

Not a bad start Surface Pro (thank heavens they dropped the lengthy name), not a bad start at all.

Article Categories:
Microsoft · Windows 8 Tablets

Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.

All Comments

  • Well looks like there will be no hope of any stock for the UK then anytime soon! Me as well as lots of other have waited so long to yet be disappointed again. I’m seriously starting to consider getting another Windows 8 Tablet instead now as im sick of MS dangling this carrot in front of me. If the US have had them release and theirs is low stock then I think its going to be a couple months before the UK get stock (minimal stock!)

    MSGeezer February 11, 2013 7:38 am Reply
  • How many did they send out ten or twelve?

    Erik Henderson February 11, 2013 8:08 am Reply
  • MS has gotten so accustomed to f_cking everything up this is not surprising.

    1stkorean February 11, 2013 10:32 am Reply

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