This Is How Microsoft Will Ditch Flash Player

September 8, 2020
Adobe Flash

One of the many big news in the world of technology this year is that Adobe will pull the plug off of the infamous Flash Player at the end of 2020. And companies are already preparing for the occasion.

Including Microsoft, the maker of Internet Explorer and Edge.

As one of the largest web browser companies of the world, Redmond has started to take the necessary steps to prepare for the demise of the multimedia player in its applications come December — both the classic Internet Explorer and the legacy version of Microsoft Edge.

For starters, both browsers will no longer receive security updates for Flash Player beginning December.

And come January, the software will be blocked in the Chromium version of Edge, as well.

The software titan will release an update titled “Update for Removal of Adobe Flash Player” via distribution channels like Microsoft Update Catalog, Windows Update, and WSUS. It will permanently remove Adobe Flash Player as a component of the Windows operating platform.

As explained:

“If you wish to remove Adobe Flash Player from your systems ahead of the end of support, this will be available for download on the Microsoft Update Catalog in the Fall of 2020. The update will be made optional on Windows Update and WSUS in early 2021 and will be made recommended a few months later. It should be noted that this update will be permanent and cannot be un-installed.”


Things will stay the same until December, though.

Meaning, Flash Player will continue to be patched with new security updates in all Microsoft web browsers like before. And the software titan actually recommends the deployment of these patches, as the likelihood of exploits is increasing now that we are approaching the end of Flash.

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Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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