Visual Studio remade in Windows 11 glory

July 27, 2021

Windows 11 is due later this year. And the operating system is all ready to introduce a highly anticipated visual refresh in its rounder corners glory, and Fluent Design finishes in all key areas.

Of course, Microsoft will not stop here — the company wants this design philosophy to reflect across all its software and services. Work is already underway to give Office this new look, and the same holds true for many other apps and programs.

In the meantime, though, designers are busy with their own creations.

Now that a pattern is set, it simply makes sense to let the imagination run wild and cook up some new designs that showcase just how good this thing could look once all is said and done. And as this fresh new concept shows, it could look rather swell.

Designer Zee-Al-Eid Ahmad Rana, a familiar face in the Windows community, is back after a little break.

And this time, he has envisioned the Windows 11 look and feel in several Microsoft products, including Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, and GitHub Desktop.

The screenshots above show how these development platforms could look if they got refreshed with this design philosophy. Images are available in both light and dark implementations, which has become quite a talking point lately.

And well, they all look brilliant, without a doubt.

Microsoft may well be crafting something similar for these applications as of this moment, now that the company has a set direction where it wants to take its operating systems and software in terms of the visuals.

What are your thoughts on these designs?

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Concepts · Design · Featured · User Interface

Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.