What Is This Surprising New Windows 10 App?

June 8, 2018

Microsoft can pull a fast one, as well as anyone. But every now and then, the company pulls of a surprising surprise, something which leaves everyone confused.

Case in point, a new Windows 10 app that has shown up all of a sudden on some PCs.

Technically, it’s not even an application, it’s a shortcut to one.

But a number of Windows 10 users have noticed a surprising appearance on their systems the past couple of days, whereby a shortcut to an app called Video Editor shows up out of nowhere and sits on their Start Menu.

It’s quite a looker too, as you can see:


Goes without saying that many believed that Microsoft had released a new video editing application for Windows 10 that the company was now preinstalling and distributing to users of its modern operating system.

But as it turned out, this is not a standalone Video Editor for Windows 10, but rather just as shortcut that points users to the video editing options that are bundled in the Photos application.

Redmond probably thought that a more straightforward way of launching the video editor in the Photos app made sense on Windows 10, hence this new shortcut.

Which, luckily, you can safely remove.

However, moves like these do draw criticism from the community, more so as the software titan released this without telling anyone. The approach is what invites disapproval from the user base, of suddenly releasing a tile like this.

As for Photos, the app is evolving at a neat pace, with Microsoft adding in basic video editing features for users that don’t want a professional package to edit their clips.

That said, this probably means that the company will not release a standalone video editor anytime soon for Windows 10, as many users have been asking. Many still have fond memories of using the Windows Movie Maker in older versions of the OS.

They’ll have to make do with Windows Story Remix, for now.

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Featured · Microsoft · Windows 10

Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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