Windows 10 22H2 right around the corner as ISO links sighted

October 3, 2022

Get, set, go! Microsoft launched the Windows 11 version 22H2 feature update last month, and this month, the spotlight shifts to Windows 10 22H2, which is almost ready for action.

This new feature update for the old operating system was first spotted in June, but it took the company a while to confirm that this version would also be rolling out for users still on Windows 10.

It did so during the Windows 11 2022 Update rollout, in fact.

Microsoft said that this new version would arrive in October as the company prepares to deploy this release to its servers, prepare the ISO files, and do all the cool stuff that goes into launching an operating system feature update.

Well, it looks like the software Titan is in on it and gearing up for launch because, as it happened for the Windows 11 2022 Update release, ISO links have just been spotted.

Windows 10 22H2 ISO Links

There are two of them up on the TechBench dump website, as you can see above.

As you may expect, these links are not live, and you cannot download them just yet. However, their presence confirms that the general availability of this new update for Windows 10 is almost ready for prime time.

In the case of Windows 11 2022 Update, those links went live just a few days before its arrival, so we can imagine something similar at play here as well.

And as for what we can expect with Windows 10 version 22H2, it won’t be anything special, and this release will be very light on new additions. Microsoft has clearly suggested that it is only working on a scoped set of features for this release.

We’ll know exactly what they are once Windows 10 22H2 takes flight.

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Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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