Windows 10 Build 20185 Says Hello From The Dev Channel

August 5, 2020
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Microsoft has just released Windows 10 build 20185 to the Dev channel, as it the norm for Wednesdays. And as is typical of the last few releases, there’s nothing new or exciting in this build.

But we’ll take what comes our way.

As the company notes, the main highlight is better DNS configuration in Settings and ADMX Backed Policies in MDM. In other words, nothing to write home about if you are looking for new features and improvements to the core Windows experience.

Starting with the DNS changes, these settings in the Network panel make modifying them easier and accessible. Editing your DNS server assignment is now a top-level option when you go into your network properties page.

Build 20185 DNS

It is possible to add any IP address listed here to unlock the DNS over HTTPS (DoH) dropdown and then choose to use encryption. Once encryption is enabled, you can confirm that it is working by looking at the applied DNS server in network properties.

On the enterprise side of things, we have the 647 new MDM policies across 56 ADMX files that were introduced with build 20175.

These policies can now be configured using custom Intune profile.

As usual, this particular build comes from the Iron development branch, though it’s not actually a preview of the 20H1 release. You can grab it via Windows Update as always, as long as you are enrolled in the Windows Insider Program.

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Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

All Comments

  • Please consider that giving us these minimal builds at the risk of the installation. With the last 2 builds, you might have batched them with a more substantive release. Also consider that we read about all the havoc of which has priority at Microsoft, this, 10X, timeline, start menu backup, built in tile builder for replacing unsupported edgetile, etc. We are watching and the outcome will build our ever changing opinions of Microsoft,

    nacunis August 5, 2020 12:27 pm Reply
    • Agreed. It’s taken Microsoft time, but they are finally on the right track when it comes to the preview builds at least. Thing is, right now, the development of Windows 10X is taking a fair bit of focus.

      Still, a lot of work remains!

      Fahad Ali August 5, 2020 1:45 pm Reply

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