Windows 10 Desktop Reimagined In Fluid Shell Concept

April 3, 2018

Microsoft has a good thing going with Fluent Design, the visual overhaul of the Windows 10 operating system. It improves the OS both in terms of looks and usability.

But things have progressed at a very slow pace, with many a user expecting rapid changes to the UI.

On the flipside, this has meant that skilled designers have got a chance to come up with their own ideas on how to improve Windows 10, including the desktop and other parts of the operating system. Many of which are really due a new coat of paint.

One such design has been created by Michael West, who has envisioned a Fluid Shell concept that brings together much less cluttered and more powerful shell.

This is how he explains it:

“I couldn’t remove any more icons, the system tray rework had already removed everything possible. So I thought about the actual taskbar—could its shape, size, material be changed? What if it wasn’t constantly attached to the edge of the screen, and instead floated (something inspired by Chrome OS).”

And this is how it looks:


The taskbar is split in two, and buttons are detached from the tray. The Start Menu, meanwhile, no longer extends to the edge of the screen.

Of particular note is how the windows look. Sets have been designed with grouping capability in the taskbar, while Cortana has received a chat focused interface that is integrated into the Action Center.

The designer elaborates:

“As always, notifications are displayed first, followed by suggestions of things you might want to act upon. They could be calendar events (like shown here), local news, weather alerts, reminders, and even activities based on your nearby devices or location.”

Of course, this is a design that is not for everyone, but there’s a lot of style here.

A lot of good ideas that Microsoft can take inspiration from.

Your thoughts?

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Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.