Windows 10 is still great, Microsoft says

October 5, 2021

Telling the truth! Windows 11 is finally up for grabs, at least for eligible devices. But as is usually the norm, not everyone will be provided with the new operating system on day one.

Even more than the norm, Microsoft is being very selective with its rollout approach this time around.

Not only is the company keen on discovering potential bugs and prevent them from hitting a big number of machines, it is also going with a very slow phased rollout strategy because a large number of Windows 10 users are in line to gain access to the new OS.

And then there is also the little case of a substantial amount of these computers not being eligible for the free upgrade to the latest version of Windows simply because they don’t meet the tough new system requirements.

This is why Microsoft is clear that only new hardware should run Windows 11, while those rocking older machines should stick with Windows 10.

As the software titan said in clear enough words:

“For customers who are using a device that is not eligible for Windows 11, Windows 10 is a great place to be. Windows 10 will be serviced through Oct. 14, 2025 and we previously announced that the next feature update to Windows 10 is coming very soon, continuing to offer you both support and choice with Windows.”

Windows 10 will continue to be supported until October 2025, as per the original schedule.

What is not clear right now is if the old OS is supposed to receive any new feature updates next year that add in new options, or whether Microsoft will shift focus solely to Windows 11 and add new features exclusively to the new OS.

Most likely, considering just how much effort it put into the overhaul of the new operating system.

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Featured · Windows 10

Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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