Windows 10 Notepad Goes Fluent Design

November 10, 2020
Fluent Design Notepad

Notepad remains an essential part of the Windows experience, and the Windows 10 variants finally got some love from Microsoft recently with some neat and much needed updates.

It still remains a basic yet powerful app.

Integral, even.

This classic program is being used for a million different things by the Windows user base — from taking notes to coding, opening up text and other types of files, even creating ASCII art. As said, a million different uses of this amazing little utility.

Redmond knows this very well. And this is why it has served up a number of important updates for Notepad lately, including the extended line endings feature.

But despite this, what good old Notepad did not get was a visual makeover. You know, something at par with what Windows 10 itself, and several other preloaded apps in the OS have already received in the recent past.

This concept above has been created by Zee-Al-Eid Ahmad Rana, who is very well known in the community.

And as you can see, it most definitely gets it done. The design envisions a modern, Fluent Design inspired transformation for Notepad that not only gives it a whole new look but also some nice new options.

All said and done, something like a Fluent Design makeover could transform Notepad quiet heavily.

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Concepts · Designs · Featured · Software · Windows 10

Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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