Windows 10 Version 2004 Hits Double Digit Usage

July 31, 2020
Windows 10 Major Features

Milestone accomplished. Windows 10 version 2004 may have been slow out the gates, but the latest release of the operating system is finally starting to find pace.

It has hit the double-digit mark in the latest figures from advertising network, AdDuplex.

The numbers for the month of July show 11.6% of the 134,000 surveyed PCs running the May 2020 Update, compared to just 7% last month. This data is based on more than 5,000 Microsoft Store apps that use the AdDuplex SDK v2 or higher, and was gathered on July 30.

AdDuplex July 2020

And while the numbers for the newest version of the OS are fine, the real interesting detail is that Windows 10 version 1903 remains the most popular in terms of usage. And there is a reason for this unprecedented success.

Redmond changed the way it rolled out feature updates with this version. Rather than automatically upgrading everyone, users now have to opt into the feature update.

This naturally means that features updates are adopted a lot slower these days.

That said, version 1903 did see a modest decrease from 46.2% to 43.6%, while version 1909 actually saw an increase from 35.7% to 36.8%. Older versions of Windows 10 are still hovering around, though they also see regular dips.

AdDuplex July 2020

Then we have the second chart that shows how quickly a version of Windows 10 has been adopted.

No surprises here, as things have notably slowed down in recent times due to the change in strategy of how Microsoft rolls out new flavors of its operating system.

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Featured · Statistics · Windows 10

Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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