Windows 11 amps up password security with Enhanced Phishing Protection

September 26, 2022

You shall not phish! Microsoft launched the Windows 11 2022 Update with ample fanfare last week, adding a whole bunch of new features and additions to its operating platform.

There’s new stuff for practically everyone in this new release.

One thing that almost every user can appreciate is a little tightening of security, given the various threats out there in the wild. To that end, here is one improvement that is sure to go a mile when it comes to keeping users protected.

Enhanced Phishing Protection is what the company is calling its latest addition.

This tool is designed to identify malicious sites and apps that attackers use to access login credentials. Whenever it detects something “phishy” at play, it automatically notifies the admin via Microsoft Defender for Endpoint.

Sinclair Hamilton explains in a new Tech Community blog post:

“Enhanced phishing protection is baked into the Windows 11 operating system and automatically detects when users type their password into any app or site. Windows understands in real-time whether that app or website has a secure connection to a trusted website; if not, Windows will let users know if they’re in danger. That means admins can know exactly when a password has been stolen and be equipped to better protect your organization. When Windows 11 protects against one phishing attack, that threat intelligence cascades to protect other Windows users interacting with other apps and sites that are experiencing the same attack as well.”

So, how does Enhanced Phishing Protection work, you wonder?

Windows first analyzes where you enter your password and then uses SmartScreen to decipher the application’s or website’s authenticity. If it discovers something, it responds immediately and alerts the user that they must change their password.

This is regardless of whether they are using a Microsoft Account, Active Directory, Azure Active Directory, or local password. The tool also quickly notifies the IT admin of the incident through the MDE portal for further investigation and mitigation of the issue.

The feature is currently accessible to users who have upgraded to the 22H2 release of Windows 11.

That said, commercial customers who want to receive the Enhanced Phishing Protection alerts in the M365 Defender security portal can also do so as long as their license has access to the M365 Defender security portal.

Article Categories:
Featured · Features · Security · Windows 11

Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

All Comments

  • You mean it knows when you are entering a password on a bogus site but does not actually stop you?

    eskutia October 8, 2022 5:07 pm Reply

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