Windows 11 nears 20% market share

April 27, 2022

It took a sweet while, but Windows 11 is finally within reach of a 20% market share. The rollout of the operating system continues, of course, but adoption seems to have slowed down quite a bit.

These figures are provided by your friendly neighborhood advertising company, AdDuplex.

The April 2022 report gathers data from around 5,000 Microsoft Store apps. The statistics show that the OS grew by less than 0.4% this past month and now holds about 19.7% of the market, compared to 19.4% in March 2022.

AdDuplex April 2022

Interestingly, Windows 10 21H2 keeps increasing its market share. This version gained an impressive 6.5%, becoming the most popular version of Windows with 35% of the market.

Windows 10 21H1 held ground, remaining relatively the same with 26.5%.

Of course, Windows 10 20H2 is quickly approaching its end of life, which is the reason why users are leaving this version of the operating system to hop onto a newer one. In April 2022, this version of the OS went down from 10.8% to 6.1%.

AdDuplex April 2022

Redmond will soon stop supporting Windows 10 20H2 and is, therefore, forcing this user base to update to a newer version of the operating system.

The share of Windows 11 will, in all probability, continue to improve in the coming months, as the software titan makes it available for more devices. The rollout of the OS is projected to be finalized by summer, meaning it has entered the last stages.

It merits mentioning that only Microsoft can provide accurate statistics regarding versions of Windows that are publicly available. In the absence of these official market segmentation numbers, third-party analytics from companies like AdDuplex and StatCounter are our best bet.

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Featured · Statistics · Windows 11

Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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