Windows 11 rollout about to get a whole lot faster

November 17, 2021

Fast and furious! Those of you eager to board the Windows 11 train may not have to wait too long. That’s because Microsoft is about to put the metal to the pedal.

In a very positive development, the software titan has confirmed that it will accelerate the Windows 11 rollout starting today—at a much faster pace than earlier planned.

The reason?

Redmond is quite pleased with how the rollout process has gone so far.

In an update to the original blog post, the company said that things have gone well regarding the rollout of the new operating system. Though not without issues, there have been no widespread nerve-wracking bugs so far.

As a result:

“Today, based on the positive rollout update experience and user feedback we have seen to date, we are advancing the pace of the rollout faster than we previously anticipated, and are now making the Windows 11 upgrade more broadly available to eligible Windows 10 devices.”

Eligible Windows 10 devices be the key here.

According to the firm, these machines must be running Windows 10 version 2004, also known as the May 2020 Update or newer. Before installation can proceed, these devices also need to have the security update released on September 14, 2021.

Of course, Windows 10 version 2004 is about to reach its end of servicing period on December 14, 2021, after which it will not receive any updates. No better way to get these users off to either the new OS directly or to a newer version of the older operating systems.

And obviously, the company has not explicitly stated the update will only be available to devices that fulfill the processor hardware criteria and minimum system requirements.

Article Categories:
Featured · Launch · Rollout · Strategy · Windows 11

Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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