Windows 11 will allow sideloading Android app APKs

June 30, 2021

Why wouldn’t it? One of the most significant new features that is coming to Windows 11 is the ability to run Android apps directly in the operating system straight through the Microsoft Store.

This feature is called the Windows Subsystem for Android (WSA), and it works whether your PC is powered by an Intel, AMD, or Qualcomm processor.

Redmond has teamed up with Amazon to brings the Amazon App Store right into the newly updated and refreshed Microsoft Store. In fact, the software titan is welcoming other app repository to bring their platforms over, including the likes of Samsung and Steam.

One store to rule them all, kind of a deal.

However, one question that remained on everybody’s mind was about sideloading Android apps in Windows 11. In other words, downloading and installing APKs from other sources.

The answer to this query was provided by Miguel de Icaza:

Well, duh!

Everything else is open on Windows, and you can even sideload UWP applications on the platform. So why wouldn’t the operating system allow sideloading Android apps?

And while Miguel de Icaza, a Distinguished Engineer, is not exactly Microsoft speaking, this ability should come as no surprise. Bringing your own Android apps over to Windows is a crucial function for developers as well, and it only makes sense for Redmond to add this into the new OS.

All we need now is for this feature to become available for testing, and we’ll have our confirmation.

Article Categories:
Android · Apps · Featured · Features · Software · Windows 11

Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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