Windows 8 to have better ipad like screens?

July 23, 2010

Microsoft is telling partners it will outdo Apple by building a better touch screen for slate PCs.

Windows 8 will also support accelerometers and location-awareness for gaming and other functions, while adjusting the screen brightness to changes in light.

“Users are able to hold their slate/tablet PCs in any orientation and Windows will smoothly and automatically change the screen orientation to accommodate,” Microsoft says.

“Users never have to think to interact using touch on their slates. Users can type confidently and efficiently on the soft keyboard with touch.

The soft keyboard is easily launched, text prediction is more accurate, the UI is more usable, and throughput is increased for everyone. We can adapt to changes in ambient light, so that the display is always easy to see.”

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  • This will be interesting. Would certainly be great if Microsoft introduce a real competitive product to apples ipad.

    xinu March 13, 2011 6:15 am Reply

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