Windows Autopatch launches in public preview

June 6, 2022

New service! Microsoft has launched Windows Autopatch in public preview, a service designed to keep enterprise Windows 11 and Windows 10 installations as updated as possible.

At the moment, the second Tuesday of every month is the big day for updates, lovingly known in the community as Patch Tuesday. But if things go according to how the software titan plans, this may soon become just another Tuesday.

That’s because the Windows Autopatch service has been designed to manage pretty much all aspects of deployment groups for enterprise customers.

With the public preview of Windows Autopatch now underway, these organizations can simplify and streamline the deployment of patches and updates on their fleet of computers. Enterprise will not only have a new source for Windows patches, but also updates for solutions like Office, Teams, and Edge.

This company video provides details on how to enroll in the Windows Autopatch public preview.

Microsoft actually unveiled this new service a couple of months back.

It was announced as a free service that will help businesses and organizations obtain quality and feature updates for the two operating system, as well as drivers, firmware, and Microsoft 365 Apps for enterprise updates.

“Autopatch, by automating the management of updates, can provide timely response to changes and confidence around introducing new changes, and close the protection and productivity gaps. The value should be felt immediately by IT admins who won’t have to plan update rollout and sequencing, and over the long term as increased bandwidth allows them more time to focus on driving value. Quality updates should enhance device performance and reduce help-desk tickets — feature updates should give users an optimal experience, with increased uptime and new tools to create and collaborate.”

And as Redmond notes in a FAQ about the service, Windows Autopatch will be offered as a feature to Windows 11/10 Enterprise E3 and above license holders at no additional cost.

The software titan has confirmed that the launch date of this new service is July, and this public preview gives interested users an opportunity to try Windows Autopatch out a few weeks early.


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Enterprise · Featured · Launch · Services · Updates · Windows

Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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