Windows market share now hovers at 86%

July 3, 2020
Windows Flag

There used to be a time in the 90s when Windows had cornered around 96% of the market. We certainly are a long way away from those days, with the platform now seeing increased competition.

Microsoft may be busy working on Windows 10X, but the company also has a fair amount to deal with when it comes to competitors like macOS, Chrome OS, and Linux breathing fire. All three have upped their game in their respective domains these last few years.

As a result, Windows now has to make do with a market share to the tune of 86.69%.

This is, according to the latest numbers provided by NetMarketShare, who just shared their report for the month of June 2020.

NetMarketShare OS June 2020

And Windows 10 came in at a solid 58.93%, up from 57.83% last month. Windows 7 numbers continued to decline, and are now at 23.35% from 24.28%.

We then have the likes of Windows 8.1 at just 2.95% and Windows XP still holding out at 0.84%.

For some odd reason, macOS dropped from a 9.68% share to 9.22%, while Linux continued its mysterious rise from 3.17% to 3.61%. Chrome OS still has a way to go to mark a notable increase in market share, but it has figures of 0.41% in its column.

Interesting times ahead, in the desktop space.

Interesting times.

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Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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