Windows Phone 8 Leaps Ahead of Windows Phone 7 In 10 Markets

February 11, 2013

When it comes to mobile platforms, nothing shows signs of growth more than penetration of the latest version of the operating systems. Nowhere is this truer than Windows Phone 8 and Windows Phone 7, considering the inherent differences between the version numbers.

Microsoft is slowly casting off Windows Phone 7, as if shifts its focus to the latest version of its mobile operating system. Luckily its user base is also following Redmond’s move to Windows Phone 8.

A recent (February 2013) report from AdDuplex revealed that Windows Phone 8 had managed to get in front of Windows Phone 7 in terms of market share in the United States. But now it seems that this is the case in a slew of other countries as well.

The familiar Alan Mendelevich recently posted a chart on Twitter showing breaking down the numbers.

Windows Phone 8 was loaded on slightly more than 50 percent of devices in the United States, according to the latest figures provided by the firm. Something similar is at play in Australia, France and Hong Kong as well.

In less populous countries, however, Windows Phone 8 boasts some very impressive penetration numbers — such as more than 60 percent in Vietnam, above 70 percent in United Arab Emirates, and well over 80 percent in Thailand.

In markets like Turkey, Israel and South Africa, Windows Phone 8 shows numbers in excess of 90 percent, a sure sign that Microsoft’s latest mobile platform is building up some impressive steam.

Article Categories:
Microsoft · Windows Phone 8

Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.

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