Windows Server vNext build 25179 is available

August 10, 2022

Alongside the mainline Windows 11 preview releases, Microsoft has also made a new build available for the next release of its server operating system, which the company wants you to call vNext.

Windows Server vNext preview build 25179 is the latest in this matter.

Available for download as an ISO from the Windows Server Insider website, this build can also be downloaded as a VHDX if you want to try this early-release version.

As per usual, Microsoft has not provided a changelog, meaning it remains unclear what is new or broken in this new build. We do, however, know that it uses the same underlying kernel as the Windows 11 Dev channel build.

But the interesting thing is that Microsoft has still not updated the branding for its server operating system, and it remains as Windows Server 2022 in the preview. This version is already in the market, which makes this a rather funny situation.

Windows Server 2022

The software titan is, it merits a mention, asking Insiders to refer to these builds as vNext.

Getting back to the new features and additions, these editions will continue to sync up with the regular release of Windows 11. That is to say, with the build 25179 that made its way out to the Dev channel for Insiders and is scheduled for release in 2023.

Although Redmond does not highlight any new features, it does note a known issue that it has shared for this build.

To download this latest release, registered Insiders can head over to the Windows Server Insider Preview download page below. In case you are not registered, you can check out the Windows Insider for Business portal to do so.

There is also the Getting Started with Server page that you might be interested in.

The company also confirms that this preview will expire on September 15, 2022, so be sure to keep this date in mind as you deploy this build.

Download: Windows Server vNext Preview build 25179

Article Categories:
Builds · Enterprise · Featured · Windows Server

Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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