You can fire up Task Manager with a right click in Windows 11 build 25211

September 29, 2022

Finally! Microsoft has released a new Windows 11 build in the Dev channel of the preview program, and this new one finally adds one of the most requested of features back to the OS.

That is the ability to bring up the Task Manager with a right click.

This is one of the many features that was lost to code debt when Microsoft decided to build the Taskbar anew in Windows 11. The user base has been very vocal about bringing it back, just like it was in previous versions of the operating system, like Windows 10.

Well, as the announcement post announces, it is back!

We start with the Widgets setting first. The company has separated the widget picker and widget settings to make it easier for you to find and interact with each view. Now, the widget picker is opened by the + button, and the widget settings are opened by the Me button.

Build 25211 Widgets Me Button

When you open Widgets settings by clicking the Me button (shown above), you will see three taskbar behaviors that you can toggle on or off.

Build 25211 Widget Settings

With this behind us, we can now focus on the link to the Task Manager that is now available when right-clicking on the taskbar.

Build 25211 Task Manager Taskbar

This build also includes preliminary support to rearrange system tray icons, with Microsoft promising further improvements to this experience soon. Of course, these are not available for all users just yet, but they should be soon.

There are a whole bunch of bug fixes in this build 25211, too. Most of these relate to File Explorer, Start, Taskbar, Input, Settings, the Task Manager, along with a bunch of other areas of the operating system like increased CPU usage and screens going black.

A handful of known issues, as well, that you might want to take a look.

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Builds · Featured · Features · Windows 11

Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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