30 Days with Surface Pro: Day 3

March 8, 2013

Day 3 of the 30 Days with Surface Pro experiment is all about just turning the Surface Pro tablet on, and getting logged in to Windows 8.

Microsoft offers the option of logging in with a Local account–a user profile that exists only on the one PC its created on. But, Microsoft clearly expects users to log in to Windows 8 with a Microsoft ID, and that is really where much of the value of Windows 8 lies. Logging in with a Local account rather than a Microsoft ID is like buying a car that only has a one gallon gas tank and only drives in first gear, when you could have had a very capable sports coupe for the same money.

When you log in with a Microsoft ID, you get a variety of benefits. Without it, many of the core apps on the Windows 8 Start (Modern, Metro, etc.) screen won’t work. It connects your profile to your SkyDrive account, and offers SkyDrive as an option for accessing or storing files throughout the OS. If you use more than one Windows 8 PC, logging in with a Microsoft ID also keeps settings and stored passwords in sync between them so you don’t have to manually configure everything on each PC.

Read Surface Pro, Day 3: Logging in to Windows for the full story on my experience setting up Windows 8 on the Surface Pro for the first time.

Article Categories:
Windows 8 Tablets

Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.

All Comments

  • The screenshot is of the Consumer Preview. Why god why?

    Pratyush Nalam March 8, 2013 9:36 am Reply
    • I just chose an image of Windows 8 for illustration. Whether it’s the Consumer Preview version or not isn’t relevant to the content of the post.

      Tony Bradley March 8, 2013 1:46 pm Reply
      • Apparently not, and I have to agree

        Rod Trent March 9, 2013 7:04 am Reply

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