Microsoft and Google are developing a new virtual keyboard

August 17, 2021

Microsoft is working with Google on a big keyboard update for Chromium that will grace browsers based on this technology like Chrome and Edge.

This new API goes by the name of “VirtualKeyboard”, and it will update the existing on-screen keyboard used for input on Windows, Chrome OS, and Android phones with better controls. In theory, it will offer developers more control over when the virtual keyboard is shown or hidden.

At the moment, developers cannot show, hide to raise, or dismiss the virtual keyboard, while the performance itself is not ideal for scenarios where they want it displayed.

The two tech giants are now developing a new feature that would deal with hiding and showing the keyboard and controlling whether the Visual Viewport resizes when the virtual keyboard changes visibility.

Developers will be able to opt into a new style where a docked virtual keyboard will overlay content, and they will have the option to optimize the layout viewport for the virtual keyboard.

Like so:

Virtual Keyboard Chrome

Microsoft explains that this is because it wants web authors to control how the content would be laid out after the virtual keyboard is displayed and hidden. As a result, the editable area on a website will always remain visible.

Redmond has confirmed that the updated API will be supported for browsers on touch platforms that have virtual keyboards, including Windows, Chrome OS, and Android.

It will not work on Mac, Linux, or Android WebView.

According to the status page put up by Google, Chrome is set to get support for this new VirtualKeyboard API with version 94 of the web browser on desktop and mobile. Edge, which follows this timeline closely, should not be too far behind in implantation.

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Browsers · Edge · Google · Microsoft · Partnerships · Software

Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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