Microsoft is majorly downsizing in Russia

June 8, 2022

Inevitable. Microsoft has confirmed that it is reducing its operations in Russia, in a move that the company says will affect more than 400 employees in the country.

The Redmond-based software titan will also continue the suspension of new sales.

Bloomberg has the lowdown on this latest development. Microsoft is one of several companies that have reduced their operations in Russia following its invasion of Ukraine. This change, as one would expect, is due to the changing economic landscape in the region following the war.

That said, while this is a major decision, it will not likely alter the company’s bottom line all that much. As Microsoft revealed earlier in the year, Russia accounted for less than 1% of its revenue.

Anyway, this is what Microsoft had to say on this:

“As a result of the changes to the economic outlook and the impact on our business in Russia, we have made the decision to significantly scale down our operations in Russia. We will continue to fulfill our existing contractual obligations with Russian customers while the suspension of new sales remains in effect.

We are working closely with impacted employees to ensure they are treated with respect and have our full support during this difficult time.”

Unfortunate for the affected employees, but a natural course of action given how things were going.

Microsoft announced the halting of all new sales of its products in Russia in March, immediately following the invasion. This means that the company no longer sold Windows, Office, Xbox consoles, Microsoft 365 subscriptions, or Azure cloud services to new customers in the country.

That move followed the company banning state-sponsored media outlets like Russia Today and Sputnik from the Microsoft Store and reducing the visibility of their content on Bing. Russian organizations were also blocked from the Microsoft ad network, among other things.

The company’s downsizing in terms of headcount in the country was the next step after the downscaling of its operations in Russia.

While existing contractual obligations will be honored, the firm clearly does not want to invest in Russia until political and economic stability is attained.

Article Categories:
Microsoft · Strategy

Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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