Microsoft To Offer More Info On Update Blocks

September 15, 2020
Shocked Laptop User

As it should be! If the rollout of the Windows 10 May 2020 Update showed one thing, it’s that there has to be a better way for users to know why their device has been left out.

And many a device were left out due to blocking bugs in version 2004 of the OS.

Microsoft was forced to put these upgrade blocks in place for certain configurations, which means that these new versions of Windows 10 did not show up on the impacted devices when users checked for feature updates.

Redmond does provide information regarding these blocks on the update dashboard on the web, but that in no way makes it easier for users to find out the reason behind the block when their device is not offered a new update due to known issues.

Thankfully, according to this recent report from Mary Jo Foley, Microsoft is silently working on a welcome Windows Update feature that takes care of this problem.

Now, while specifics are unavailable for the time being, it looks like the software titan wants to make it easier for IT admins to determine whether an update block is in place on a device that they manage on their network.

Here’s hoping that the information that Microsoft provides in this fashion is easier to read and understand for everybody, otherwise it would pretty much defeat the purpose.

We might have more details on this new addition in the OS around the next feature update

Windows 10 is on track to get version 20H2 in just a month or two.

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Errors · Featured · Updates · Windows 10

Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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