Microsoft warns against using the leaked new Outlook app

May 16, 2022

A new Outlook app, part of the hugely anticipated refocusing of the email platform, has been in development for some time now. Development continues under the codename Project Monarch.

We have not heard too much regarding this application from Microsoft, not that we usually do when a product is under development from the company.

However, it just so happened that the app in question leaked out.

What’s even more surprising is that Microsoft not only confirmed that the app that leaked a few days ago was legit but also said that users should avoid it. That’s because this early version is missing many of the features and enhancements that Redmond is working on.

The company quietly posted an update on its Office 365 dashboard, confirming the leak but warning that IT professionals should block users from accessing the application.

Apparently, some work or school account users can already access the email service using the leaked app. But since the application is currently not intended for commercial users, it is best to avoid it and wait for the app to officially be out in the Beta channel.

As for the application itself, this new Outlook client is designed to run on both Windows 11 and Windows 10, and is apparently identical to the web version of the email service. It even uses those native Windows controls — you know, PWAs, and all that jazz.

Due to this fact, this new app simply loads as a web app, albeit with a couple of new additions and deeper integration with the operating system.

Microsoft is also trying to make this new app resemble the existing one in terms of features like clicking the pop-out button to open the email in a separate window. Support for multiple Outlook accounts is also being explored for this new creation.

It is not possible to use the app with personal email accounts just yet, but support for them will be introduced soon.

Microsoft has promised to share more details in the coming weeks, likely around the time One Outlook officially hits the preview channels.

In the meantime, if you want to take this new One Outlook client for a spin, you can download the leaked version below, which is surprisingly still up for grabs.

Download: Outlook

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Apps · Featured · Leaks · Outlook · Software

Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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