Newest Surface Duo teaser reveals new tidbits

July 28, 2020
Surface Duo Blueberries

We are fast approaching the reality where Microsoft will launch its first foldable dual-screen device in the form of the Surface Duo, an Android powered handset.

Which, in of itself, is a first for the company.

It’s all a matter of time before that happens, even as Microsoft is mum on the details.

The software titan has not talked much about the Duo, though company officials continue to drop hint after hint that show that the device is ready for prime time. Most of these are published on social media showing the Surface Duo being used in different scenarios.

Staged shots, but we’ll take them.

Particularly, if they reveal new things about the hardware, software, OS, and accessories of the unit.

Like this one.

This latest tease comes from Shilpa Ranganathan, a Microsoft engineer working on cross-device experiences. An image she posted shows the two screens of the Surface Duo being used to display a recipe, and there are a couple of interesting details of note here.

First is the hinge between the two screens, which is not as seamless as some may have hoped. The black part is easily noticeable when both displays are open.

And secondly, we have a curious little status bar up at the top that displays typical things like the clock and typical icons. Looks like Microsoft is doing this by design, as these icons are also centered in the Surface Duo emulator.

Guess we’ll just have to see what shape the final design of the Surface Duo takes.

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Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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