30 Days with Surface Pro: Day 14

April 3, 2013

I’m nearly half-way through the 30 Days with Surface Pro experience, and so far I’ve managed just fine using a mouse at while using the Surface Pro at my desk. For Day 14, though, I’m making the switch to a Logitech t650 touchpad.

Why not? Windows 8 is designed for touch. You’re supposed to tap, swipe, and pinch your way around the Surface Pro.

Of course, when it comes to legacy software that runs in desktop mode, that’s not as true. Well, it’s not true at all. Those applications are written with a mouse in mind. Microsoft did design Office 2013 to be touch-friendly, but it’s still not as touch-oriented as the OneNote MX app that was developed specifically for Windows 8.

Still, a touchpad fills in just fine for a mouse. It lets you use the tap and swipe gestures native to the Windows 8 touch experience, and it lets you use more conventional mouse input as well. The Logitech t650 is a great device for Windows 8 because it has a wide variety of customizable gestures to help you work more efficiently in general.

Check out Surface Pro, Day 14: Ditch the mouse, get a touchpad for more about why I made the switch.

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Microsoft Surface Pro

Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.

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