Analyst: Users Still Can’t Live Without A Windows 8 Start Button

March 12, 2013

Over four months into the release of Windows 8, this is perhaps the worst kept secret that a lot of users have still not gotten used to the new Start Screen that replaces the classic Start Menu.

This, undoubtedly, is the biggest change in the user interface of the new OS, and one that a fair fraction of users have still not adjusted to.

Several analysts have already identified this as one of the most controversial change in Windows 8 — particularly with a desktop mode already present. Another analyst has recently weighed on this.

Lynn Min, a senior project analyst at CITES (Campus Information Technologies and Educational Services, whew!), talking to The Daily Illini said that the lack of a Start Button is affecting a lot of users as it is the most visible change:

“The Microsoft strategy is that they want to use the same user interface for the laptop, Microsoft phones, servers. So they want to use the same user templates across all the devices that they also make.”

So far so good, but the trouble starts when users use the desktop version of the operating system, with a good old keyboard and mouse:

“I tried to use (Windows 8) as Microsoft intended, and I absolutely hated it. But what I did was, I installed a program that brings the (traditional) Start menu back. It is amazing. So I’m using Windows 8, but since I have the program installed, I have the Start menu, so it looks exactly like Windows 7.”

Now, this may just be another person’s opinion, but it is hard to deny the fact that third-party applications that bring this feature back are enjoying wild success. All through this, the decision to dump the Start Button and relying solely on the Start Screen looks set to continue in future versions of the OS.

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Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.

All Comments

  • I can’t believe how freaking STUPID this is. If they “Can’t Live Without The Start Button” then let them all die. They are morons.

    1stkorean March 12, 2013 9:39 am Reply
  • When someone sounds so excited about bringing back the Start button, that sounds like just a pet hate 🙂 Maybe Microsoft will released a Windows 7-like edition for nostalgics 🙂

    Dan Dar3 March 12, 2013 10:45 am Reply
  • I’ve used Windows since version 1 and Windows CE since version 1 and Windows Mobile since the first version of CE on a phone, and now have a Windows Phone 8 to replace my Windows Phone 7. I bought a Dell Inspiron Duo to put the the Developers’s Preview on. I do Windows.
    I understand what people are fussing about. The Start Menu has been around for a long time and it is an old friend for many people. What we are seeing is both the difficulty for some people to work without the visual clues and the backlash of Microsofts heavey handed “Do it the way we say” approach on this.
    The new approach may be better, but does it really justify completely eliminating the old way for everyone? They didn’t eliminate the desktop. They didn’t eliminate the file manager windows and their ability to launch programs from them, or by using a registered file type to launch an application. Even DOS continues to have a place in Windows, but Microsoft has decided for YOUR OWN GOOD that you won’t get the Start Menu. THEY KNOW WHAT’S BEST FOR YOU.
    And therein lies the rub. They used to be “Have it your way”, and now it’s “Big brother knows best.”
    I can’t believe how freekin STUPID this is for people to believe that their way is the only way and all who think differently, STUPID.

    Dan Stephens March 12, 2013 1:50 pm Reply
  • I’ve used Windows since version 1 and Windows CE since version 1 and Windows Mobile since the first version of CE on a phone, and now have a Windows Phone 8 to replace my Windows Phone 7. I bought a Dell Inspiron Duo to put the the Developers’s Preview on. I do Windows.
    I understand what people are fussing about. The Start Menu has been around for a long time and it is an old friend for many people. What we are seeing is both the difficulty for some people to work without the visual clues and the backlash of Microsofts heavey handed “Do it the way we say” approach on this.
    The new approach may be better, but does it really justify completely eliminating the old way for everyone? They didn’t eliminate the desktop. They didn’t eliminate the file manager windows and their ability to launch programs from them, or by using a registered file type to launch an application. Even DOS continues to have a place in Windows, but Microsoft has decided for YOUR OWN GOOD that you won’t get the Start Menu. THEY KNOW WHAT’S BEST FOR YOU.
    And therein lies the rub. They used to be “Have it your way”, and now it’s “Big brother knows best.”
    I can’t believe how freekin STUPID this is for people to believe that their way is the only way and all who think differently, STUPID.

    Dan Stephens March 12, 2013 1:50 pm Reply
  • Yah, o.k., no Start button on the taskbar now. Let the wrist slitting begin! Probably the same numbskulls that keep the taskbar permanently glued to the bottom of the screen. There is a start button, and it’s in the same place as the old one if you’re smart enough to put your pointer in the corner; which is apparently shockingly difficult.

    Misterbear Fapp March 12, 2013 2:23 pm Reply
  • I added a start button using Classic Shell. It made a huge difference in my enjoyment of windows 8. Microsoft should add this to a future update.

    Bob March 14, 2013 4:59 am Reply
  • They just need time to adjust.

    Can’t Live Without A Windows 8 Start Button is total crap.

    siddharthbandhu March 17, 2013 10:41 am Reply
  • They just need time to adjust.
    Can’t Live Without A Windows 8 Start Button is total crap.

    siddharthbandhu March 17, 2013 10:41 am Reply
  • How many of you are using Win8 in a corporate, enterprise environment? How many are using multiple Office applications at once? How many of you are using Oracle, SAP, Citrix or other applications?

    Microsoft will eventually do what all viable business do: follow the money. When corporations demonstrate no intent to adopt Win8 they’ll either create an enterprise version, or otherwise adapt the OS for their biggest customers: corporations.

    Microsoft reportedly hopes to have 10% of the tablet market by 2017. They’re risking alienating their core constituency for 10%? Smart move guys.

    RomRom March 22, 2013 4:17 am Reply
  • How many of you are using Win8 in a corporate, enterprise environment? How many are using multiple Office applications at once? How many of you are using Oracle, SAP, Citrix or other applications?
    Microsoft will eventually do what all viable business do: follow the money. When corporations demonstrate no intent to adopt Win8 they’ll either create an enterprise version, or otherwise adapt the OS for their biggest customers: corporations.
    Microsoft reportedly hopes to have 10% of the tablet market by 2017. They’re risking alienating their core constituency for 10%? Smart move guys.

    RomRom March 22, 2013 4:17 am Reply

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