I almost snagged a Surface Pro at Best Buy today

February 4, 2013

So the Surface Pro is on display at my local Best Buy.

I stopped by to take a look at it and after a while, asked one of the sales people if they had any of the new Surface Pros available.

He said that he thought they were in the back and then after he went to check (and probably got his ass kicked by management), he came back and said they would be coming in on Saturday.

Since I was bored and full of mischief, I asked innocently:

“Will you guys sell the display model?”

And I got the magic answer:

“Sure that shouldn’t be a problem”

My heart started beating like a drum and then the dream ending words followed..

“Let me just check with my boss…”

You know how that ended.

ALMOST…..    🙂

Anyway, here are some photos and video of the Microsoft Surface Pro at Best Buy.

Video of the Microsoft Surface Pro Tablet at Best Buy

And here are some photos of the display. The RT model is on the left and the Pro is on the right…

Photos of the Microsoft Surface Pro Tablet at Best Buy

Article Categories:
Windows 8 Tablets

Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.

All Comments

  • Hilarious dude!

    He would have lost his job for sure!!!

    Marcus February 4, 2013 5:12 pm Reply
  • Hilarious dude!
    He would have lost his job for sure!!!

    Marcus February 4, 2013 5:12 pm Reply
  • as you know “Almost” only counts in Horseshoes, Hand Grenades and Nuclear Devices

    1stkorean February 4, 2013 6:47 pm Reply
    • Very cool.

      What part of the states are you visiting?

      Onuora Amobi February 4, 2013 7:57 pm Reply
      • I will be coming to Pacific Heights in San Francisco, then San Antonio, Texas to Dallas and then back to Inchon â—„ (the airport is here) and home to Seoul.

        1stkorean February 4, 2013 9:37 pm Reply
        • Well have a great time in America! Safe travels!

          Onuora Amobi February 4, 2013 9:56 pm Reply
      • I am currently in San Francisco looking for a house to live by UCSF school starts in the Spring and I would not do well on the street in a box, no internet I guess. Leaving Wed. morning for home. In Nov I was in your part of the country LA. I went to a concert in Anaheim 11.2 & 3.2012 South California is nice but Oh so Hot and the traffic is like Seoul everybody in a car and on the streets. We could see the driver making all of these hand signs like he was mad or something.
        I am look forward to living in California and seeing all of it (maybe) of course there is that school thing my parent are paying for (hehehehe)

        1stkorean February 4, 2013 10:05 pm Reply

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