Linux Specialist Terms Windows 8 A Jarring Experience

February 20, 2013

Four months after the release, Windows 8 remains as dividing a product as any in the technology world. All the while Microsoft has remained steadfast in claiming that its latest and greatest is a user-friendly operating system.

But industry experts have held opposing views, with many blasting the OS for bringing so many UI changes at once that at the end of the day combine to provide a confusing experience for users.

One such industry head is Linux authority and Canonical founder Mark Shuttleworth, who recently talked about the upcoming Ubuntu tablets. Speaking to Ars Technica, Shuttleworth noted:

“When you transition from the tablet to the desktop, things don’t move around. That’s what’s really different certainly between our approach to convergence and for example Windows 8, where when you’re in the desktop mode, which looks like Windows 7, and suddenly you get the new tile-based interface, it’s a stark transition that can be jarring for users.”

Don’t know about the jarring experience, but Windows 8 is definitely different from earlier versions in more ways than one, and requires a bit of time investment to make the most of the new user interface.

Ultimately, it all came down to delivering a touch optimized interface, and Redmond had no choice than to make all these user interface enhancements at once — or it would have risked a half cooked product.

Evidently, some less tech savvy users will have some trouble (at least initially) when they are forced to switch between the tried and tested desktop mode to the Metro UI, but hey, that’s evolution. It had to be one day, and Windows 8 is that day.

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Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.

All Comments

  • Totally agree. Make one big change instead of gradually is totally understandable. This also indicates MS is moving to touch-based PC. Those who insist not to change will be left behind.

    WillyThePooh February 20, 2013 6:31 am Reply
    • Well put.

      Salar Shahid February 20, 2013 7:54 am Reply
  • And how nice when Mark Shuttleworth-less is talking about, with a half or third-baked desktop Ubuntu and a function-copycat Ubuntu tablet (borrowed things from others and coloured differently).
    Yes, Windows had to step into the 2012/2013 era where your OS must answer all devices. And they did with 8 excellently. Come on, if someone cannot understand what is desktop mode and a start screen, should use abacus!

    Robert Trance February 20, 2013 10:05 am Reply

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