Users Continue To Bash Windows 8 On Official Microsoft Forum

March 4, 2013

The initial hoopla that followed the release of Windows 8 has died down, and most who wanted to upgrade to the new OS did so, and those that do not plan on jumping in have stay put.

Out of the 60 million or so Windows 8 licenses sold, only a portion show up in statistics.

But there are still people that join the party, whether by upgrading, or buying new devices. A fair few who have done so, had recently taken to the official Microsoft support forums to voice their discontent with the brand new operating system and the changes it brings.

A dedicated thread was created by users to rip into the operating system, and of this writing has crossed 31 pages, with several new messages posted every day.

Messages like:

“This is the worse operating system I have ever seen. Microsoft should give everyone a refund of their money for time, trouble and aggravation!”

“I have had computers since there were computers. I have never had as much trouble mastering any other program. Windows 8 is terrible. 7 wasn’t bad and then I upgraded to 8. BIG mistake.”

Okay, and this following one may be going a tad too far, but hey, people and their choices:

“Windows 8 is the worst ever OS. Windows XP might be ancient compared to the aforementioned but it’s the best operating system ever.”

Microsoft has chosen to say quite in this regard. The company does not want to comment on these posts, and no moderator has gotten involved in the discussion

But the good thing is that Microsoft has not closed the thread, even though potentially it could soon become the largest on the forums — only a matter of time, it seems.

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Windows 8

Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.

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