Week In Review (Apr 1 – Apr 5)

April 5, 2013

Quite a fulfilling week by Microsoft’s standard. Not only did it expand the Surface Pro into a new market, all its product and services (from Windows 8 to Windows Store) posted positive numbers. To top it off, the past few days some rather interesting rumors and forecasts floated up regarding Redmond’s future.

A briefing of the most pressing matter this past week:

Rumor of the Week

It seems that the age of mobile computing is near its end, as we approach the dawn of wearable computing. And while a technology titan or two may have a bit of a head start on this Microsoft is not planning to get left behind. Word has it that Redmond is preparing its very own Google Glass rival.

Analysis of the Week

The thing about Windows 8 tablets (let along Surface slates) is that most sport a 10 inches or so form factor. Part of it is due to the restriction on resolutions and specifications Microsoft put in place. But now it appears that smaller tablets, say 7 inch, could soon be a reality. Soon, as in June, baby.

Number of the Week

To say that Skype is the jewel piece of Microsoft’s future would not be an understatement. The VoIP platform, in recent years, has taken center stage. And Redmond recently let out the fact that Skype users spend 2 billion minutes every day to talk, a mighty impressive statistic.

Release of the Week

Microsoft has slowly and steadily ramping up the Surface Pro retail availability. The newest market to get the elite tablet is China, where the slate was launched earlier this week. Now all we need is a European release. Sometimes this month, please, Microsoft?

Screenshots of the Week

The upcoming VLC app for Windows 8 (and Windows RT) is high on the list of many users ever since it successful reached its Kickstarter goal. Now the developers have graced us with the first batch of screenshots for the multimedia app. The release date can’t get here soon enough.

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Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.

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