Windows 8.1 App Watch: The Machine

April 10, 2015

I guess if you’re calling your game The Machine, then you best back it up with some solid gameplay mechanics. Luckily the developers of this new game have.

This is a platform game with the idea being to move an ink droplet through a machine.

Things get tricky, as jumping is the only option you have to move forward — the layout of even level and the items scattered around make this a very challenging affair. There are spikes and chainsaw to avoid, and rotating machinery to jump on to. It’s not easy being an ink droplet, that’s for sure!

Here’s the official description:

“”The Machine” is an action platformer. In this game you control a small ink droplet working its way through the vast blueprints of a complex machine. Help your little droplet attach to some surfaces and leap to others, all the while clearing levels and evading numerous traps.”

The game may not boast the best production values, but it makes up for that in style.

Not only is the simplistic 2D art style pleasing, it also makes the gameplay all that more tricky. There are plenty of game modes like a time limit mode where you have to get maximum points and an unforgiving arcade mode where the ink droplet has to climb as high as possible before the chainsaw gets it.

This free game arrives as a universal app, perfect for deployment on both Windows Phone handsets and Windows 8 devices powered by either the x86, x64 or ARM based processors.

Click here to check out The Machine on the Windows Store.

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Windows 8 Applications

Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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