App Watch: RainbowDrive

March 6, 2013

While the name sounds like a kart racing video game, this app is anything but one. With the increased emphasis on cloud services and cloud storage, a handy amount of Windows 8 apps have surfaced allowing users to view and manage their files to their heart’s desire.

And well, the lack of (downright or quality) official options is playing a big part in this too.

RainbowDrive is one of the finest cloud storage management apps you can get your hands on right now for Microsoft’s newest platform. The well-designed app is touch-optimized and brimming with features, though it only allows connecting with three services right now — SkyDrive, Dropbox and Google Drive.

Here is the short and sweet official description:

“No more bothering to open different apps. RainbowDrive puts all your cloud accounts together! You can login all your cloud accounts in RainbowDrive and upload/download, delete, or share your files.”

Impressively, this free app also includes excellent management features allowing you to monitor and administer your cloud accounts and keep an eye on their capacity. Search across all cloud account is also included, as is the ability to effortlessly share link to files using email.

The latest update improves thumbnail quality and photo browser speed, among other enhancements.

Like all quality app, it comes with full support for all Windows 8 builds (x86, x64 and ARM) though you do need at least a 1GHz processor to install.

Click here to check out RainbowDrive on the Windows Store.

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Windows 8 Applications

Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.

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