App Watch: Sea Quest

March 1, 2013

The Windows Store is going through a rather interesting phase right now. While new app submissions have slowed down from the highs of the not so distant past, some exciting new applications are finally making their way to Microsoft’s app repository.

But while it is easy to find apps of all sorts for the new platform, quality gaming is something that is still lacking. Enter Sea Quest — which may not be the next killer game for the platform, but nevertheless packs a lot of fun.

The arcade game puts you in control of a submarine that can be used to rescue scuba divers from the depths of the sea, as they go about their mission of collecting gold. The description:

“Sea Quest is an arcade style game that makes you the captain of a submarine. Your mission is to rescue your scuba divers from deep sea where they are collecting gold. You have an unlimited supply of torpedoes and limited oxygen that needs to be refilled.

Deadly sharks, mines, enemy submarines, enemy mine ships and battle ships are out there to get you and the scuba divers. In game power ups will help you through and you can make in-app purchases to upgrade your submarine into a deadly stealth machine.”

Visuals are simple and get the job done, but it is obvious the strongest suite of the game is its addictive gameplay and tactical premise.

The simple free app also offers support for in-game power ups for oxygen, missiles and double barrel gun, along with an online worldwide leaderboards allowing you to compete with your friends.

It can be run on desktops and tablets, and all versions (x86, x64 and ARM) are well optimized for touch.

Click here to check out Sea Quest on the Windows Store.

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Windows 8 Applications

Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.

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