Care For A Surface Solo?

September 15, 2020
Surface Solo

It’s time for another concept. This time, it’s a device known as Surface Solo. You know, the distant cousin of Surface Duo? Only this one prefers to keep it to itself.

While the Duo marked the return of Microsoft to the mobile market, it did so in an unconventional way.

Pioneering a new form factor, this expensive handset makes use of a dual screen design that allows it to be used in multiple modes. To top it off, the software titan launched this machine with Android, a decision that took many by surprise.

And yet, this new direction has been well received by people — particularly those who wanted Microsoft to expand the smartphone market.

All this means that Redmond still does not have a traditional phone, even though it is now a certified Android device maker. That may or may not change any time soon, not when we know that the Duo is not a handset that can compete with the Google Pixels and iPhones of the world.

Which is where this concept by PhoneDesigner comes in:

It envisions what an Android powered Surface phone would look like with a more traditional design and just one screen. And while from some angles, especially on the back, it looks like a Google Pixel 3, it has all the makings of a premium smartphone.

One that could be a hit with users if priced right.

Until that happens, though, this is all that we can do right now.

Care for one?

Article Categories:
Concepts · Designs · Hardware · Microsoft Surface

Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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