Dell Wants To Focus On PCs And Tablets After Going Private

April 2, 2013

The big question here is how the privatizing trip will play out. The founder of Dell has found that his plans to take the company private are most definitely not going as smooth as he had hoped for.

Even with Microsoft chipping in a healthy block of cash, there is still a chance for him to be outbid by a different group — a scenario like this could result in him losing his post as a CEO of the company.

And Señor Dell is rightly in a bad mood.

In fact, a Bloomberg report suggests that as of right now he is essentially threatening to cash in his shares and walk away unless his position as a CEO is not guaranteed. A move like this could inflict a major financial loss on the company.

Nevertheless, this is not stopping him from making future plans, however.

Ingenious as he is, Michael already knows what he wants to do with Dell after making it private.

Obviously, getting the deal he wants is the first order of business, and without providing any further details, he did say that Dell would focus on PCs and tablets — instead of shifting focus away from the former. Good news for the faltering PC hardware market.

And the plans don’t just stop here. The privatized Dell will also be willing to sacrifice profits as long as it means improved device sales, particularly in (relatively) untapped markets like Brazil, China and more.

The clear and present future could potentially be the one that makes or break Dell — the company, at least. The industry could be in for some interesting times ahead.

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Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.

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