Live Tiles Alive And Well In Microsoft News

July 30, 2020
Microsoft News Icon

Um, so that means, Live Tiles are here to stay? The Microsoft News app picked up an update recently, and though it came with a bunch of improvements, the most notable one is that for Live Tiles.

You know, the one that shows up in the Start Menu?

They are not in the best of places, as Redmond seems to be moving away from the concept as opposed to building up on top of it. However, that does not mean the software titan has abandoned this feature altogether.

Version 4.45.22053.0 of the application allows you to pin a topic that you are interested in, right in the app Live Tile that resides in the Start Menu.

The changelog reads:

“This update includes support for multiple Live Tiles for the News app. You can now pin any topic of interest as a Live Tile and get news updates right on your Start menu.”


What this neat little change means that if you are interested in news about Bitcoin, for example, then you just pin this topic to the Start Menu, and the Live Tile will take care of displaying these new articles without the need for you to open the app.

Good news, pun always intended, for fans of Live Tiles.

This development confirms what we already knew. That Microsoft is definitely not thinking about removing Live Tiles from its operating platform in the immediate future, at least. Then again, you never know with Microsoft.

The latest version of Microsoft News is available in the Microsoft Store.

Download: Microsoft News

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Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.