No New Windows 10 Insider Dev Build Today

August 19, 2020
No New Build

Noon on Wednesday usually means one thing. A new Windows 10 Insider Dev build making its way out. Not today, though. And probably not later this week either.

That’s because the team has run into a little trouble.

The Windows Insider team explained on Twitter that they have been forced to delay today’s flight after discovering a bug in the release candidate build. The good news being that the team is still looking to release a newer build with bug fixes later this week, unlikely as it may be.


The Windows Insider team has been releasing new builds in the Dev channel almost every week since July. These new channels that it created for these releases have been seeing steady action ever since the Windows Insider Program was revamped.

Last week’s build, 20190, for instance, brought a new first run experience and more granular Graphics settings. Most new releases contain a couple of fresh features like this.

Of course, new builds released in the Dev channel are simply designed to test out these new additions in the operating system. They are not tied to a specific version of Windows 10 like 21H1 or the next feature update that is coming later this year, 20H2.

Anyway, a brief hiccup today.

We’ll see if we get any good news regarding a new Dev channel build later in the week.

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Fahad Ali is a professional freelancer, specializing in technology, web design and development and enterprise applications. He is the primary contributor to this website. When he is not typing away on his keyboard, he is relaxing to some soft jazz.

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