It seems that gamers must not hate Windows 8 as much as people like Gabe Newell think they do. We’ve reported in the past on how a large number of Steam users are actually utilizing Windows 8 at around 8.76%, but it doesn’t end there.
Now, a popular gaming download service that specializes in indie games and revamped classics, has revealed that roughly 10% of their users are running on Windows 8 according to their data. This is up from December, where it was around 6%.
The big difference here between’s results and Steam though is that in the Steam world, Windows 8 is already ahead of Mac users. Although didn’t reveal a percentage or exact amount of Mac users, the company indicates there are currently more Mac users of their service than Windows 8 users.
When it comes to Windows 8, we continue to hear that it isn’t growing at a quick enough rate compared to past versions. Based on the experience of’s Oleg Klapovsky this isn’t a huge concern when it comes to the future of the PC industry though, in his words:
I don’t think the growth of Windows 8 speaks to any weakness in the industry; I think it speaks to the fact that Windows 7 is a very well-adopted OS and one that people don’t feel the need to step away from. PC gaming–and the PC platform as a whole–is a very robust environment, and remains the dominant personal computing OS. From’s point of view, the fact that we’ve diversified our offering to cover all of the commonly-used Windows OSes as well as Mac OSX means that we’re well-positioned to continue to thrive regardless of what the future of PC gaming may bring.
I think this is a fair and reasonable attitude. GoG’s view on the situation isn’t about pointing fingers and wildly predicting the end of the PC for good. This is similar to my own belief, Microsoft built a strong OS for home users with Windows 7 and that while Windows 8 tablets might grow, there is no need to step away from it for many end-users.
As time passes and technology changes, this dynamic will also change. People will find touch-monitors more affordable or simply grow accustomed to the idea of the new Modern UI, and they will switch to new computers running on the OS.
As a gamer myself, I certainly have to say I like the way GoG works and thinks over Valve and their Steam service – maybe that’s just me.
What do you think of Windows 8’s market penetration so far, what does it say for the future of the PC industry, if anything? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
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