Windows 8.1 App Watch: Super Bunny World

November 28, 2014

“Welcome to Bunny World! Run in an endless world as you collect coins and carrots! Watch out for all the crazy critters in Bunny World, stomp or dodge those that get in your way! Super Bunny World is a game inspired by classic platformers, reminiscent of the good old SNES era. Post your scores online using Google Play Game Services or share it on Twitter or Weibo. For some extra challenge, try to unlock all 10 achievements!” This free game provides the usual platforming experience. Nothing deep, but worth a dab. You just have to avoid enemy creatures in the level, jump over obstacles such as water, while collecting coins. All in a day’s work. Oh, and there are carrots to collect too, just for the record. A few achievements are available, as well as the ability to post your high scores on online leaderboards, or share them via social sites. The game is easy to play, meaning children will find it delightful too. Quick download at 5.1MB for x86, x64 and ARM versions of modern Windows. Click here to check out Super Bunny World on the Windows Store.]]>

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Windows 8 Applications

Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.

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