Windows 8 Users Blast Official Twitter App

March 15, 2013

Here we go, folks. Another high-profile app which has left Windows 8 users mixed on first release. You may recall how users tore into the official Dropbox app for its lack of features when it first came out.

Now it seems Twitter is going through something similar. The social network rolled out its official client for Microsoft’s platform yesterday, and the first reviewers have different feelings about the design and features of the application.

As one reviewer noted:

“The app in full screen mode looks awful. It’s empty, devoid of any content when looked at horizontally. Some decoration (what about your Twitter theme?) would have been nice.”

Another one was thinking along similar lines:

“This is why I don’t recommend this app: auto-complete in search is poor and no auto-complete for mentions. Also, RTL is handled poorly. This, I can’t scroll with my touchpad, hence the app is not usable at all.”

Nevertheless, there are many that like what they see. Some Windows 8 users that are pleased with what they see had good words for the official Twitter app:

“Working great, finally, I’ve been waiting for a long time”. “Worth the wait”. “Excellent, good-looking, fast and stable.”

Regardless of that, the app is must be said is a tad underwhelming. This is particularly true when you consider other more feature rich alternatives that are available on the Windows Store for fans and users of the popular social network.

Here’s hoping that the official Twitter app gets regular updates that enrich the experience.

And speaking of experiencing, cracking the metro design philosophy is very clearly not all app developers seem to understand right now. Microsoft’s very own Skype remains one of the best examples that show how to take a desktop application and give it a modern touch.

Article Categories:
Windows 8 Applications

Mike Johnson is a writer for The Redmond Cloud - the most comprehensive source of news and information about Microsoft Azure and the Microsoft Cloud. He enjoys writing about Azure Security, IOT and the Blockchain.

All Comments

  • I have mixed views too.

    It does have a few things left out, and it crashes often, but otherwise it’s pretty good.

    Those notifications are a neat addition.

    siddharthbandhu March 17, 2013 10:38 am Reply
  • I have mixed views too.
    It does have a few things left out, and it crashes often, but otherwise it’s pretty good.
    Those notifications are a neat addition.

    siddharthbandhu March 17, 2013 10:38 am Reply
  • Its such a great update!

    daniel_chevere March 18, 2013 4:47 am Reply
  • Still disappointing, couldn’t. Know. How many times my tweet has been retweeted.

    Hamad March 18, 2013 2:11 pm Reply

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